Technically, it's probably fair to say that most folks are developing with .net 3.5 (that means Visual Studio 2008 on Windows) which is what's on my machine.  I'm tempted to commit my project settings to the SVN, but fear that I may be jumping the gun there.  If you are using VS 2005 (but NOT the Express version because it doesn't seem to support projects in sub-directories), then you should be able to compile from the current SVN source directly.  Otherwise, there may be some tinkering with VS project settings involved.   It's a useful thing to be able to do, but it's also quite easy for me to add the files to the project download area.

On 9/17/2010 6:00 AM, Morne Joubert wrote:

The latest 2.5 binaries for .NET 2.0 works very well so my next question is about support for  Python 2.6.


All I need is the binaries (no installer needed).


Can I create the binaries myself for 2.6 by compiling the source or could the 2.6 binaries for .NET 2.0 be added to the download section ?


I only need very simple .NET 2.0 functionality.



Morné Joubert


Tools, Development Systems & Testing


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