simple google search revealed this example from Bryan Lloyd for casting to interface:

Let us know if it works:

> from mynamespace import Foo, Iface
> inst = Foo() # create an instance
> wrapped = Iface(inst) # 'cast' to the interface
> wrapped.Func() # should now work

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Matthias Hillenbrand <> wrote:



The Python win32com module for accessing COM objects provides a method CastTo for casting an object to a different interface.

Similarly, in my application, I have to cast an object to another .Net interface. Does  Python.Net provide such a method or can you describe a way of doing the casting using C# libraries?


Here is a small example:

I have an object of type ILDERow and want to cast it to ISurfaceCoordinateBreak. Using win32com this can be done in the following way:

from win32com.client import CastTo

cbSurface = CastTo(surface, "ISurfaceCoordinateBreak")


Thank you very much!


Best regards,





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