

I know PythonNet has been specially designed to handle .NET/CLR compatibility but because of some other restrictions I want to use Python 2.3 to access a C# function.

First of all is it possible? I am trying with following piece of code in C# (Server app) and python (client app).




This is a class library in C# which is compiled and registered with following commands.

csc /target:library Class1.cs

regasm Try2005.dll /tlb:Try2005.tlb



using System;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;


namespace Try2005


      public class TestingCSBC



                  public interface IManagedInterface


                  int PrintHi(string name);




                  public class InterfaceImplementation : IManagedInterface


                  public int PrintHi(string name)


                        Console.WriteLine("Hello, {0}!", name);

                        //TestCSBCClass obj = new TESTDLLCOMLib.TestCSBCClass();

                        //obj.Displaymessage("In C# application!!");

                        return 33;







Python code:


import win32com.client


    serverObj = win32com.client.Dispatch("Try2005.TestingCSBC")

except Exception,e:

    print "Dispatch error",e


    serverObj.PrintHi("But will it work on Tribon??")

except Exception,e:

    print "Error while Calling C# function",e



After running the above Py script I am getting following error output.


Dispatch error (-2147024894, 'The system cannot find the file specified.', None, None)

Error while Calling C# function name 'serverObj' is not defined



Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.