By ARM target you mean RASPBERRY PI? Search issue tracker for pythonnet on GitHub for this. But this is definitely out of scope of pythonnet, unless someone steps up to add CI testing for this target.

On Sun, May 6, 2018, 11:14 PM techi eth <> wrote:
I have tried console progmramme (nPython.exe) coming with python.Net source & same is also resulting with above error. 
Can anybody suggest with which version of mono on Linux ARM target Python.NET will works.


On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 6:35 PM, techi eth <> wrote:



I am getting below error when running C# programme with mono on Linux. Please suggest hint for solution.


Mono version :

Pyhton.NET : 2.3.0


mono_os_mutex_destroy: pthread_mutex_destroy failed with "Device or resource busy" (16)


Note : I am able to run only C# programme without issue but issue comes once i run nPython.exe coming with Python.NET.

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