
I’m Nicole Haenni and I'm doing research for my thesis at the University of Berne (scg.unibe.ch) with Mircea Lungu and Niko Schwarz. We are researching on monitoring the activity in software ecosystems. This is a study about information needs that arise in such software ecosystems. I need your help to fill out the survey below. It takes about 10 minutes to complete it. 

A software ecosystem can be a project repository like GitHub, an open source community (e.g. the Apache community) or a language-based community (e.g. Smalltalk has Squeaksource, Ruby has Rubyforge). 

We formulate our research question as follows: 
"What information needs arise when developers use code from other projects, or see their own code used elsewhere."

Survey link: http://bit.ly/14Zc71N 

Thank you for your support!

Nicole Haenni


Software Composition Group
Institut für Informatik
Universität Bern
Neubrückstrasse 10
CH-3012 Bern