When calling a .NET method that has out parameters, you have to supply dummy arguments for the out parameters, can you try something like:

result, response, errString = ESP301Device.SR_Get(1, 0.0, '')

The values don't seem to matter, but they must be there from what I have seen in my usage.

On Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 9:03 PM LOST _ <lostfreeman@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Matt,


From the description this looks like a bug in pythonnet. Can you tell which version of pythonnet are you using?






From: mysfeir@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2021 8:59 PM
To: pythonnet@python.org
Subject: [Python.NET] "TypeError: No method matches given arguments" Error - please help!


This seems to come up semi-regularly from a web search, but I have been unable to converge on a solution. I am using Python 3.8 and pythonnet to try to control a Newport ESP301 motion controller. The supplied .NET assembly contains this command:


public int SR_Get(int axisNumber, out double limit, out string errstring)


                           errstring = string.Empty;

                           limit = double.MinValue;

                           string text = string.Format("{0}{1}", axisNumber.ToString(), "SR");

                           string text2 = text + "?";

                           string empty = string.Empty;

                           StringBuilder sbBuffer = new StringBuilder();

                           int num = m_COM.Query(text2, ref sbBuffer);

                           empty = sbBuffer.ToString();

                           empty = empty.Trim();

                           errstring = checkReturnCodeAndResponse(text2, num, empty);

                           if (num == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(errstring))


                                         decodeDoubleFromResponse(text, empty, out limit);


                           if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errstring))


                                         return -1;


                           return 0;



I am unable to get this command to run successfully using Pythonnet. Here is my code:

import sys

print("Adding location of Newport.ESP301.CommandInterface.dll to sys.path")



import clr


from CommandInterfaceESP301 import *


import System




# Instrument Initialization


BAUDRATE = 921600

print('Instrument Key=>', instrument)


# create an ESP301 instance

ESP301Device = ESP301()


# Open communication

ret = ESP301Device.OpenInstrument(instrument, BAUDRATE);

if ret == 0:

    print("Instrument successfully opened!")



# Get positive software limit

result, response, errString = ESP301Device.SR_Get(1)

if result == 0:

    print('positive software limit=>', response)


    print('Error=>', errString)


If I try to execute this code, I get the following error:

====== RESTART: C:\Users\Laser\Documents\Python Programs\esp301_python.py ======

Adding location of Newport.ESP301.CommandInterface.dll to sys.path

Instrument Key=> COM3

Instrument successfully opened!

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\Users\Laser\Documents\Python Programs\esp301_python.py", line 57, in <module>

    result, response, errString = ESP301Device.SR_Get(1)

TypeError: No method matches given arguments for SR_Get: (<class 'int'>)



I thought this was originally a problem with int64 vs. int32 but I have tried several methods for converting between these and all give the same error. FWIW, I have no trouble getting this to work in Matlab:


% Add Assembly


% load modules

import CommandInterfaceESP301.*;

cport = "COM3";

BAUDRATE = 921600;

ESP301Device = ESP301();

% open communication

ret = ESP301Device.OpenInstrument(cport, BAUDRATE);

if ret == 0

    disp("Intrument open!")





% Get negative software limit

[result, response, errString] = ESP301Device.SR_Get(1);


I'm completely stumped and frustrated at this point. Any constructive feedback would be very appreciated!




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