Hi I am using Ironpython for Microsoft.net am not using IronPython, I have seperately downloaded Ironpython for Microsoft.net and wrote this code. and i import xlrd module(to read excel file) import SampleModule from SampleModule import SampleClass def Page_Load(): pass _PrivateMethod("1") PublicMethod("2") def _PrivateMethod(text): lblPrivate.Text="private %s" %text def PublicMethod(text): lblPublic.Text="public %s" %text def Private_Click(sender,args): _PrivateMethod("3") def Button1_Click(sender, args): sc = SampleClass() sc.TestString = TextBox1.Text Label1.Text = sc.TestString Label1.Visible="True" Then its showing error --------------->.. Value cannot be null. Parameter name: encoding. please help me out to resolve this error. -- Praveen Kumar Mahiti Infotech Pvt. Ltd. # 33-34, Hennur Cross Hennur Main Road Bangalore, India - 560043 Mobile: +91 9343297314 Phone: +91 80 4148 5080/1 41150580/1 http://www.mahiti.org

I could be mistaken, but I think you are on the wrong list. PythonDotNet is for folks like me who are using CPython and need to interact with .NET managed code. IronPython is NOT CPython. It is Python running inside .NET CLR. I'd recommend going to the IronPython forums or mailing lists for help. --- Matt On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 12:32:54 +0530, Praveen Kumar <praveen@mahiti.org> wrote:
participants (2)
Matthew Zaleski
Praveen Kumar