Hi all, I've followed the installation notes to use python.net with mono on a linux box but haven't quite got it working yet. The "readme" that comes with the python.net package says the following: "Note that if you are running under Mono on a *nix system, you will need to have a compatible version of Python installed. You will also need to create a symbolic link to the copy of libpython2.x.so (in your existing Python installation) in the PythonNet directory. This is needed to ensure that the mono interop dll loader will find it by name. For example: ln -s /usr/lib/libpython2.4.so ./python24.so" I did so, but the following exception turned up: "Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: python23 in (wrapper managed-to-native) Python.Runtime.Runtime:Py_Initialize () in <0x00028> Python.Runtime.Runtime:Initialize () in <0x00013> Python.Runtime.PythonEngine:Initialize () in <0x00017> Python.Runtime.PythonConsole:Main (System.String[] args)" Does this mean python23 is mandatory for running on a *nix environment? It's true that I only have python24 installed... thanks in advance, Filipe
participants (1)
Filipe Correia