Hello I am new in python, so I don't know, what has to be worked, and what is under development. But I have a problem: If use python for .net 2.0 alpha 2 and matplotlib If I run python2.4-UCS2\python.exe and I type the following code, it is working. (this is not the problem :) ) import pylab as p def onclick(event): print 'clicked' fig=p.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(t1, s1, linewidth=1.0) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',cl) p.show() But if I want to run the following script with ironpython 2B3 it did not work. from embedding import Import pyl=Import('pylab') fig = pyl.plt.figure() def onclick(event): print 'clicked' cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) pyl.show() I used python2.4-UCS2 dll and a necessary embedding.py. The problem with the onclick object. Why does it work only in the first case? The main reason for i am interested in is that I want to host ironpython in c# and I want use matplotlib in ironpython. The bests David Fulop
participants (1)
Fulop David