
Unfortunately I never got to revising the code for a pull request, nor documenting it as I would have liked.

A Cython code is available at ridge-directed-ring-detector where you can also find 
a usage example in the format of an ipython-notebook; a static view is available here.
For those who are interested, the manuscript has been updated (version v2) and is available at arXiv:1310.1371 .

In case there is interest from the community, I can try to modify it to conform to the scikit-image standards, based on your comments.

Congratulations for the new scikit-image paper!
Best wishes,

On Thursday, 13 March 2014 23:34:32 UTC+2, Stefan van der Walt wrote:
Hi Eldad

On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Eldad Afik <eldad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I summarised the work in a manuscript titled:
>  "Robust and highly performant ring detection algorithm for 3d particle
> tracking using 2d microscope imaging" (a pre-print is available at
> arXiv:1310.1371).
> NB, it was written minded at potential users and applications rather than
> computer scientists, which I am not.

Shall we start working on a pull request with a proof of concept illustration?
