Hi Pelin, That library is written for Matlab, so without additional work it cannot simply be imported in Python. However, it is explicitly licensed under the 3-clause BSD (same as our license) and it isn't hosted on MatlabCentral (making licensing simpler), so anyone interested can freely port it to Python and it could potentially be included in scikit-image. This page may be of great assistance <http://wiki.scipy.org/NumPy_for_Matlab_Users/> for anyone undertaking a Matlab -> Python port. Josh On Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 10:37:13 AM UTC-5, Pelin Gezer wrote:
Hello everyone,
Which library do you use for clothes parsing. I found this. <http://vision.is.tohoku.ac.jp/~kyamagu/research/clothing_parsing/>I dont know how I can import in python ? Anyone has experience about that?
Thx! Best,
Pelin G.