Okay, now it works on my computer, can you try it on your, and then perhaps cherry-pick and commit to scikits (also merge with histograms if you have the courage ) BTW, perhaps for histogram visualization, it should be more efficient if I kept a cache of the zoomed float32 image (and not only the end pixmap), and thus I would be able to quickly adapt the histogram wihtout having to rezoom the entire image, but I don't know if this is often necessary (eg. will people often zoom and change the contrast ) On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 16:35, Chris Colbert <sccolbert@gmail.com> wrote:
in scivi2.py:_simple_imshow you are not passing the window_manager object to the widget. So the reference to the image window is lost and window is being garbage collected. Once you pass along the reference to the manager, the windows displays.
However, the image doesn't show up in the window, so now you have another issue to track down ;)
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Maël Primet <mael.primet@gmail.com>wrote:
From an interactive shell.. I tried mimicking more closely the definition of scivi.py, but it does not work :p Could you try using it from your computer? (github.com/maelp )
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 16:09, Chris Colbert <sccolbert@gmail.com> wrote:
are you using that from an interactive shell or from a script?
If you are using from a script, you need to call `io.show()` at the end of your script to enter the toolkit's event loop.
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Maël Primet <mael.primet@gmail.com>wrote:
I do io.use_plugin('qt2') io.imshow(im) and it opens and close
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 16:01, Chris Colbert <sccolbert@gmail.com>wrote:
how are you running it when the windows don't stay open?
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 10:40 AM, mael <mael.primet@gmail.com> wrote:
I added a 'qt2' plugin to my github repository, but can't get the window to stay displayed, do you know where the problem might be ?