Sorry I wasn't clear, my fault,
I know how to act on key signal, my problem is getting the resize  behaviour  correctly,
I'm not sure it can be done without reimplementing a Layout?

can you check this? 

On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 22:17, Chris Colbert <> wrote:
you'll need to setup listeners for the widget's key signals. 

You should read the PyQt docs for how to hook up signals and slots.

On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 5:08 PM, mael <> wrote:
Is anyone comfortable with Qt?

I'm having lot of trouble implementing the interface the way I want.
Basically, I want something non intrusive, thus the
GUI will be shown / hidden by pressing F10, but I don't want this to
change the way the viewer is shown, so here is the thing:
 - first: pressing + zooms x2, I'd like to have ctrl++ zoom x2 and
also resize the widget x2 (if small enough for the screen), how can I
do that?
 - second: pressing F10 should keep the viewer as it is, but add some
widgets beneath it to tweak each parameter, I can't get Qt to behave
this  way?

(last version of scivi2 is in )

Thank you