On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 2:15 AM, KuantKid <kuantkid@gmail.com> wrote:
Issue 263: Fixed in pull request #307<https://github.com/scikits-image/scikits-image/pull/307>
On Saturday, September 8, 2012 11:37:33 PM UTC+8, Tony S Yu wrote:
There have been a ton of new features added to scikits-image since version 0.6 was released at the end of June. So, now is a good time to prepare for a 0.7 release.
To that end, it would be great to have fixes for a couple of pending issues. My list would include:
- Issue 217 <https://github.com/scikits-image/scikits-image/issues/217>: Add check for dependency versions. - Issue 232 <https://github.com/scikits-image/scikits-image/issues/232>: measure.find_contours fails if ndarray is not C-contiguous - Issue 263 <https://github.com/scikits-image/scikits-image/issues/263>: IPython inline display does not work for binary images - Issue 271 <https://github.com/scikits-image/scikits-image/issues/271>: Test failure with nose 1.1.2
Are there any other fixes (or *small* enhancements) that people are itching to get into 0.7?
Let's aim to get fixes in by next weekend (Sept 16th) and release the following weekend (Sept 23rd).
Cheers! -Tony
Great! It looks like all these issues are fixed. (Thanks to Johannes and KuantKid!) Johannes is already hard at work adding PRs for new features (PR 321<https://github.com/scikits-image/scikits-image/pull/321>, PR 319 <https://github.com/scikits-image/scikits-image/pull/319>) and there are a couple of lingering PRs that deserve some attention after the the release (PR 293 <https://github.com/scikits-image/scikits-image/pull/293>, PR 242 <https://github.com/scikits-image/scikits-image/pull/242>, PR 235<https://github.com/scikits-image/scikits-image/pull/235>). So, it's probably best to push this release out the door soon. Unfortunately, I'll be traveling for the next week, but I don't know release procedure anyway, so that may not matter. Stefan: do you have time to cut a release? Actually, while we're on the topic, I don't really understand the requirements for Debian packaging: Why is there a separate debian branch? Couldn't the debian directory simply be put on master? I imagine there's a good reason, I just couldn't find it after a quick search. Best, -Tony