The thread split off into another, but I am continuing the discussion here. It looks like we have general support for the notion to do one more Python 2.7 release, and to then switch to Python >= 3.5. Egor wrote:
Stefan, Has the schedule been changed? I remember we were planning to release 0.14 in November 2017 (see https://mail.python.org/pipermail/scikit-image/2017-September/005352.html).
As far as I recall, Egor volunteered to be release manager---thank you! I think we can hold off a bit on 0.14: our last release was in September, and there are a few PRs in the pipeline near completion. How about we split off the 0.14.x branch beginning of February? Since we're going to be backporting a lot of patches, should I ask Matthias Bussonier to activate https://github.com/MeeseeksBox/MeeseeksDev for us? Stéfan