2011/10/13 Stéfan van der Walt <stefan@sun.ac.za>
Hi all
I just came across a paper in which the author uses the bilateral filter. This reminded me that we have an implementation lying around somewhere; and it so happens that we discussed it in the very e-mail that led to the formation of this scikit :)
Strangely, though, the bilateral filter never made its way in! If you are new to scikits-image and would like to make a contribution, this is an excellent opportunity:
Just for reference, there's also an implementation of the bilateral filter in cellprofiler: https://svn.broadinstitute.org/CellProfiler/trunk/CellProfiler/cellprofiler/... I haven't really looked into either of these, so I'm in no way suggesting that one is better than the other. Best, -Tony