Hello, I am interested in applying for Scikit-image project <https://teams.railsgirlssummerofcode.org/projects/167-scikit-image> in Rails Girls Summer of Code 2017 <https://teams.railsgirlssummerofcode.org/projects/167-scikit-image> and looking for coaches who can guide us through. My background is in neuroinformatics where I have used signal processing & machine learning techniques to process, extract features and classify brain signals (like EEG, MEG). The main tools that I have command on are Matlab and Python. In Python, I have mainly worked with scikit-learn and numpy libraries. I have also worked with MNE and pyriemannian tools for Python. I am currently in talk with two potential team members. I am hoping one of them will be able to give full time for this project. Both have a background in Python development. Since you have already been working with scikit-image, we can get better guidance from you. Kindly let me know if you are interested in coaching us. I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you. Regards, Sarwat Fatima & Aqsa Ahmed.