Thanks everybody! Jean the paper and your library looks very promising! I tried about 30 images and it worked very well. Thanks for your efforts and this very well documented and easy to use skeleton library! Regards Stefanie Am Do., 29. Nov. 2018 um 06:57 Uhr schrieb <imagepy@sina.com>:
https://github.com/jni/skan, <https://github.com/yxdragon/sknw> https://github.com/yxdragon/sknw
I think these two packages is what you needed.
Best YXDragon
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I tried this : https://dip4fish.blogspot.com/2014/05/construct-graph-from-skeleton-image-of...
Le mer. 28 nov. 2018 à 19:59, Stefanie Lück <luecks@gmail.com> a écrit :
Dear all,
I have a question I use the medial axis skeletonization implementation of scikit-image. Is it possible to get the length of the medial axis and the number of branches growing from the medial axis?
Thank you very much in advance Stefanie
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-- http://dip4fish.blogspot.fr/ Dedicated to Digital Image Processing for FISH, QFISH and other things about the telomeres. _______________________________________________ scikit-image mailing list -- scikit-image@python.org To unsubscribe send an email to scikit-image-leave@python.org _______________________________________________ scikit-image mailing list -- scikit-image@python.org To unsubscribe send an email to scikit-image-leave@python.org