+1 for pytest.Nelle, can you comment a bit on why scikit-learn effectively decided to roll their own test library? ;) Is it part of their general (and well-justified) aversion to new dependencies, or were there specific objections to pytest?Pytest mostly works out of the box with tests written for nose. As far as I know the exceptions are:- all the nose imports that Stéfan pointed out (btw how did an import * make its way into our codebase???)- it seems that yielding tests is deprecated, so that will require a few rewrites.It's not a trivial effort to fix these, but I don't think it'll be any bigger than any other move.Juan._______________________________________________
On 1 Jan 2017, 10:26 AM +1100, Stefan van der Walt <stefanv@berkeley.edu>, wrote:
On Sat, Dec 31, 2016, at 15:05, Steven Silvester wrote:I agree with Stéfan that a forward-looking clean break would be best. It looks like a rather large undertaking though, judging from https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/pull/5405.Perhaps we are better off than matplotlib:$ git grep "from nose"skimage/_shared/testing.py: from nose.tools import assert_lessskimage/_shared/testing.py: from nose.tools import assert_greaterskimage/_shared/tests/test_testing.py:from nose.tools import (assert_true, assert_raises, assert_equal)skimage/draw/tests/test_draw3d.py:from nose.tools import raisesskimage/io/tests/test_sift.py:from nose.tools import *skimage/novice/tests/test_novice.py:from nose.tools import assert_trueskimage/segmentation/tests/test_quickshift.py:from nose.tools import assert_trueskimage/util/tests/test_montage.py:from nose.tools import assert_equal, raisesskimage/util/tests/test_shape.py:from nose.tools import raisesStéfan_______________________________________________
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