Hi Marcel,

Check out functools.partial, which is a standard function in Python. It allows you to create functions with pre-evaluated arguments:

from skimage.restoration import denoise_tv_bregman
import functools
denoise = functools.partial(denoise_tv_bregman, weight=5, max_iter=10)
# use denoise_tv_bregman with weight and max_iter set:
denoise_plugin = Plugin(image_filter=denoise)


On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 9:59 PM, Marcel Gutsche <marcel.gutsche@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone, 

I'm working on an image processing project involving several consecutive steps. For parameter optimization I would like to create a viewer plugin which is capable to take these previous outputs into account. 
So basically the introductory example found in the docs of 

denoise_plugin = Plugin(image_filter=denoise_tv_bregman)

  would be sufficient, if I could pass additional fixed arguments (like an additional numpy array). 

I hope I made myself clear, and someone can give me hint at where to look at.

Best regards, 

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