Hello everyone, Stéfan: actually I saw the data images, but the Lena's in it are too small to be of use on image processing algorithms :) But Emmanuelles scipy.lena trick will do the work. Chris: this is actually an interesting discussion to have, there are pros and cons about doing again what is done by scipy. First, although scipy's version is more elaborate and potentially more optimised, it is also more obfuscated, and thus more difficult to understand. This may not be a problem for "end-users", but this could become problematic when you are a researcher writing a paper and having to be certain about everything you do. Moreover we would like the library to have a triple goal: be used by "end-users" (people needing basic image processing algos ), be used by students (and therefore have clear and accessible algorithms, not something like scipy.ndimage complex C code), and be used by researchers (thus be easy to extend and fiddle with, and have a complete control over the algorithms). This is why we feel that in some case, recoding the algorithms in a simple way could be interesting. Of course, we won't reimplement the FFT or linear algebra algorithms.. This could be nice to discuss those points before we add too much code (but let's be clear: most of the algos we want to add cannot be found in scipy. Actually, the only ones would be median and morphology, which you already implement)