My first question is this: Have you reinstalled or recompiled since the system was upgraded? This kind of error can crop up when you change compilers or the underlying system significantly enough that the previous compilation is no longer understood.

If not, that's the first thing to try as it's simple and easy. 

See also these links for more info about that error and troubleshooting compilers and environments:

Let us know how it goes!


On Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 8:09:59 PM UTC-5, Robin Wilson wrote:

I'm trying to get skimage working on my university supercomputer. I'm sure I've had a previous version working - but unfortunately the supercomputer has been upgraded since then. I've installed via pip, but get the following error when I import threshold_otsu from skimage.filters:

ImportError: /home/rtw1v07/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/skimage/filters/rank/ undefined symbol: _intel_fast_memset

I've reported this to the supercomputer support people, as I suspect it may be some sort of compiler issue - but they're taking ages to respond so I just wondered if anyone here might have any ideas. Does anyone have an idea as to where I should start looking?

