2011/8/21 Stéfan van der Walt <stefan@sun.ac.za>
Hi Tony

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 6:50 AM, Tony Yu <tsyu80@gmail.com> wrote:
> P.S. Stéfan: were you able to build the tutorial on my "reconstruction"
> branch?

This is the result I get (had to fix a small problem in the data_path first):


Could you verify that that looks right?

Wow, that's weird. The first 4 images (peak_detection-orig, peak_detection-smooth, peak_detection-thresh_bg, peak_detection-peaks) are rendered incorrectly. It looks like the ipython directive is taking a previous mpl figure (apparently from the Hough transform docs) and plotting into one of the subplots of that figure. I guess the state of the ipython directive is maintained across docs, so I should start the doc page by closing all other figures.

It sounds like there are plans to decide on a tutorial format at EuroScipy, so I'm inclined to wait until the dust has settled. Also, do you think the morphological reconstruction routine looks general/useful enough to include?
