Hi all,
I was using until now Matlab and its about time for me to move to scikit-image as it provide me more flexibility and a lot of benefits.
Normally, I used Matlab to calculate the properties of gray-level co-occurrence matrix as shown in this link (http://www.mathworks.co.uk/help/images/ref/graycoprops.html) mainly with this simple script:
Img = imread('C:\Users\dell\Desktop\ImgTemp\python.jpg');
% Photo downloaded from “http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp337/jewarmy/python.jpg”
GLCM2 = graycomatrix(I);
allst = graycoprops(GLCM2,'all');
contrastInfo = allst.Contrast;
energyInfo = allst.Energy;
homogeneityInfo = allst.Homogeneity;
correlationInfo = allst.Correlation;
With the following output:
contrastInfo =
energyInfo =
homogeneityInfo =
correlationInfo =
While I was trying to do it with scikit-image using this script:
import numpy as np
from skimage.io import imread
from skimage.feature import greycomatrix, greycoprops
image=imread('C:/Users/dell/Desktop/ImgTemp/python.jpg', as_grey=True)
g = greycomatrix(image, [0, 1], [0, np.pi/2], levels=256)
contrast = greycoprops(g, 'contrast')
print('contrast is: ', contrast)
energy = greycoprops(g, 'energy')
print('energy is: ', energy)
homogeneity = greycoprops(g, 'homogeneity')
print('homogeneity is: ', homogeneity)
correlation = greycoprops(g, 'correlation')
print('correlation is: ', correlation)
dissimilarity = greycoprops(g, 'dissimilarity')
print('dissimilarity is: ', dissimilarity)
ASM = greycoprops(g, 'ASM')
print('ASM is: ', ASM)
I get these results:
contrast is: [[0 0]
[0 0]]
energy is: [[ 40007.37212065 40007.37212065]
[ 38525.88698525 38017.06358992]]
homogeneity is: [[ 165440. 165440.]
[ 165088. 164970.]]
correlation is: [[ 1. 1.]
[ 1. 1.]]
dissimilarity is: [[0 0]
[0 0]]
ASM is: [[1600589824 1600589824]
[1484243968 1445297124]]
I do not understand why there are differences and for sure I miss something. Can someone please explain me what is wrong (I am using python 3.2 and scikit-image 0.8.3).
Thanks a lot in advance.