Hi Yann,

Thanks for writing. You're absolutely right, though it took me a second to get my head around it from reading the source: the neighbourhood is the neighbourhood of the *objects*, not of the contours. (And anyway we've settled on American spelling in the library since that docstring was written!) In addition, we've also adopted the terminology of connectivity (1-, 2-, 3-, ..., ndim-), which generalises better to higher dimensions, so this should probably be updated in this function also.

Would you mind writing an issue about this in our issue tracker?



On Fri, Nov 16, 2018, at 3:24 AM, Yann GAVET wrote:

I played around with the perimeter from skimage.measure.

In the documentation, the neighborhood is described as:

"neighbourhood : 4 or 8, optional
Neighborhood connectivity for border pixel determination."

There is an imprecision because this is different from the connectivity of the resulting contour. If N4 is chosen, then the contour is 8-connected, and conversely. The documentation could have this precision.


Assistant Professor - Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne
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