<https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-JDkNXe7k44s/VMOE-xwgPXI/AAAAAAAABLA/STWxQlQkU9Q/s1600/nuclei.jpg> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-sgqpXIXHhF0/VMOFDbcK8sI/AAAAAAAABLI/iHcFERpbFfc/s1600/nuclei_clahe.jpg> Hello, I am new to scikit-image (and python too), but found the combination of scikit-image implementation of algorithms together with ndarrays extremely powerful. For now, I am trying to find nuclei in microscopic images (color deconvolution, find seeds with blob_log) This works fairly well but due to low contrast some nuclei are not detected. nuclei_clahe = equalize_adapthist(nuclei) gives much better local contrast but introduces linear artefacts at the test image borders. Is it possible to avoid/reduce this? Best regards, Kai