
On Monday, June 2, 2014 1:35:11 PM UTC-7, Stéfan van der Walt wrote:
Hi Matthew

On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 7:29 PM, Matthew Brett <matthe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I guess it would be good to build them automatically next time ... so maybe
> yes to include the scripts - should be only a few lines of shell I think,
> once you've got the MacPythons installed.

I admit that I am out of my depth here.  Would you be willing to help
us on this one?  Is it, e.g., possible to add a target to setup.py so
that anyone on OSX can build these?

Er - I am not sure how that could sensibly be done in the setup.py, because you'll need to follow something like the recipe on the Spinning Wheels page, installing MacPythons, pip and packages, then running ``$PYTHON setup.py bdist_wheel`` for each Python.

You're welcome to a login to one of our Berkeley machines where the basic setup is already done.

In the Travis-CI example, how does Travis get triggered? (I presume
you don't commit to that repository each time you want to test MPL?)

Actually, yes, that is how I / we trigger builds at the moment, because we just got going with these megatesting things.  There seem to be various options for triggering builds, including (I suppose) making fake commits, but I haven't investigated very far yet.

See you,
