Hi, thank you for your answer. I actually thought that only one of the papers might be a bit too little for the entire project. Do you think that both papers would be sufficient? I'd like to contact Stefan van der Walt directly - can I reach him on this email address: *stefan@sun.ac.za*? If not could you provide me the correct one since I couldn't find any different email of his. W dniu piątek, 26 kwietnia 2013 19:34:52 UTC+2 użytkownik Johannes Schönberger napisał:
Hi and welcome,
Your profile seems perfect to me and your ideas meet our expectations; however I think only one of your proposed ideas is not considered sufficient. But Stefan van der Walt can give you more information regarding this.
Nevertheless, please note that you have to submit at least one PR to scikit-image. Have a look at this page for more information and other ideas:
Johannes Schönberger
Am 26.04.2013 um 17:49 schrieb Beatka Wójciak <bett...@gmail.com<javascript:>>:
Hello, I am finishing my 3rd year of Computer Science studies at University of Wrocław (Poland). During my studies I've taken multiple courses about image processing and this (as well as machine learning) is my main field of interest. Most of the projects regarding image processing I've written are in C/C++ but I'm fluent in Python as well (I've written several servers in Python and now I'm using it in my text mining course). I've also taken course about numerical analysis so I'm not afraid of maths.
I found graph cut algorithm particularly interesting. I've found this paper: http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/67890/siggraph04-grabcut.pdfwhich seems to give good results and I'd like to implement it. Please let me know if you find my idea interesting.
In case it didn't meet your expectations my other idea was to implement algorithm found here: http://people.csail.mit.edu/sparis/publi/2011/cvpr_radon/Cho_11_Blur_Kernel_... from the ideas page).
I'd be grateful for your comments and suggestions. Beata Wojciak
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