2010/5/13 Stéfan van der Walt <stefan@sun.ac.za>:
[...] I converted your wrappers to plugins for scikits.image. At the moment, it still segfaults---could you help me to iron out the problems?
(I mentioned this to Zach, but it may be of general interest to the imaging scikit developers as well, as another source of useful format information, if nothing else...) On a related note, we've been collaborating with the Bio-Formats project (http://www.loci.wisc.edu/software/bio-formats), and we have a wrapper for their library in CellProfiler (but it's not too difficult to use separately). This is probably *not* something for the majority of people, since it requires using a Java JNI wrapper (written in Cython). And using it to save images on the Mac is risky in GUI applications. Examining the bio-formats code can be useful when writing new format parsers, as well. Best, Ray