Dec. 17, 2020
6:56 p.m.
Some methods, like Li, have some special handling for nan values, but that is not uniform across all our methods, as you have seen. 😂 I would suggest: ```python t = threshold_otsu(image[np.isfinite(image)]) ``` That will only pass the non-nan, non-inf pixels to Otsu to do the calculation. Hope this helps! Juan.
On 18 Dec 2020, at 7:19 am, Laurynas Gedminas <laurynasgedminas@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, I have NDVI image, its not a square, and has some None values, I am trying to create otsu threshold, but getting error: autodetected range of [nan, nan] is not finite
how to go around that?
Thank you,