Hi Fran�ois,
What's the difference between tutorials in the user guide http://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/user_guide/tutorials.html
and longer examples in the gallery ? http://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/auto_examples/#longer-examples-and-demonstr...
Is there any reason to do not gather them?
The idea of the longer tutorials is to include them in the user guide, in a structured and progressive way (with a table of contents), while the examples are exposed in a "flatter" and less structured way. In my opinion, the user guide should be as comprehensive as possible, somewhat like a course in image processing the scikit-image. Also, the examples of the gallery are generated from python scripts (with docstrings converted to rst, that sphinx converts to html), while the user guide is directly written in rst. But it's true that it leads to some duplication (when I'm writing a tutorial, I typically also write an example for the gallery because I need this to generate the figures used in the tutorial). I think it's good to keep the two ways of accessing the documentation (the linear table of contents of the user guide, as well as the gallery) but having less source duplication would be nice. Cheers, Emmanuelle