
Thank you for the ideas, Marianne! I've started checking out the good first issues. As I go through them, I'll get a better idea of what is best to get started on and go from there. I hope you don't mind me reaching out if I get seriously stuck on something. I really like your gallery idea, and it looks like both Gus and I want to pursue developing some sort of demonstration.


Thank you for reaching out! Anything you're willing to show me I'd happily absorb. Likewise, if you have any project ideas already in mind for the gallery, I'd be happy to work with you on that. Ditto for the scikit issues list. I am currently in the middle of switching jobs, so your timeline works well for me.


Thank you for introducing yourself! I'm really happy to see others are interested too. Maybe we can throw together some sort of Slack or Discord chat for our group? If you're currently working on projects that I am capable enough to assist on, I'd be glad to.

If anyone else wants to get in on the action, let us know. Thanks again y'all.

On Sat, May 29, 2021 at 9:44 AM Ayse Koksoy <> wrote:
Hi Marianne, Brandon and Gus,

I am Ayse Koksoy. I started working as an image and data analyst in Texas AM almost year ago. I know enough python and image analysis to barely keep my head above water. I am hoping I can be helpful; also  I want to advance my skills in using scikit-image and python, and may be even contribute to scikit-image;
I would love to be a part of this journey,

My GitHub is
My linked is

Thank you,
On May 28, 2021, 1:41 PM -0500, Marianne Corvellec <>, wrote:
Hi again Brandon,

No worries: You've got to start somewhere, right? Have you browsed
through our 'good first issues'

Which one(s) would you like to tackle? Otherwise, would you like to
contribute a small demo to the gallery
( Maybe you
could recreate a microscopy application, even as a toy example


On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 7:57 PM BRANDON READ <> wrote:

Hello Marianne,

My handle is 'beeread'; however, I haven't made any personal projects. You probably won't find much, if anything, on my profile.

The scripting work I've done for my company is small-scale and has never surpassed 1000 lines of code. The largest project I worked on involved using OpenCV to do basic image processing on our electron microscope micrographs. I cannot legally share any of this work.

These disappointing facts motivate my outreach - I'd like to start developing a public portfolio of projects that I can eventually showcase to apply to jobs such as (

Thank you for your consideration,
Brandon Read

On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 2:52 AM Marianne Corvellec <> wrote:

Hi Brandon,

Thank you for your interest! What's your GitHub handle, please?
Alternatively, do you have a company or personal web page showcasing
your current or past projects?

Thank you,

On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 8:23 AM BRANDON READ <> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm interested in contributing to scikit-image but I am new to scientific programming. I studied physics in undergrad and have a minor in bioinformatics. As a result, I'm familiar with oop, data structures, and algorithms. I'd like some mentorship to get started on actually developing / contributing code. I'm interested in image processing for structural biology applications, and sometimes in my spare time I write scripts for my current company. However, it is not production-grade, and it is quite hacky. I'm hoping that through contributing to scikit-image, in whatever way possible, I can gain some skills and give back in parallel.

According to the scikit-image website, mentoring is available and it seems like contributing to open source is encouraged. Would anyone be interested in mentoring me?

Thank you for your time,
Brandon Read
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