Hi Alex Sorry for the late reply! On 2015-10-09 14:52:44, Alexandre Fioravante de Siqueira <siqueiraaf@gmail.com> wrote:
I told to Stefan, Emmanuelle and Gael earlier about the possibility of incorporating a segmentation technique we developed from an undecimated wavelet.
How about putting together an example of what your technique can do, similar to a gallery example? You can also considering publishing it as a blog post. I think this will go a long way to encourage people to try it.
Also, I'd like to write a book on DIP using scikit-image. What do you guys think about it?
I'd be happy to see a book—I wish I had time to write it! Even better would be if some of the book material could make its way into the user guide, but that is not usually a very enticing offer to authors :) Looking forward to working with you, Stéfan