Well, I wouldn't say I'm an expert in API design, and I actually don't consider skan to be particularly well designed (see: those seams I mentioned I figured out as I wrote the docs — they're not fully patched up), but sure, I'll bite. =) Maybe others on the list have ideas.

(a) scikit-image and scikit-learn are both great APIs. I suggest looking at them most closely when designing yours.
(b) I fall very deep on the functional side of "functional vs object oriented". This means: - no state; function outputs depend only on their inputs. - use standard objects and classes as much as possible rather than defining your own classes. - don't reuse variable names.
(c) when should you reach for classes? Pietro Berkes wrote the pattern very succinctly in a recent lecture of his. If you find yourself writing def f1(x, y, z): ..., def f2(x, y, z): ..., etc, where x, y, and z are always the same bunch of data, then you should probably write a class that contains those three bits. BUT, I would still aim to write functions, as above, rather than methods of the class.

Hope this helps! =)


On Sun, Mar 17, 2019, at 12:12 AM, Stefanie Lück wrote:
I am very interested in this question and discussion as well. Maybe we should start a separate thread.


Am Sa., 16. März 2019, 14:06 hat Yash Sharma <yashrsharma44@gmail.com> geschrieben:
Hey Juan,
Thanks for a descriptive reply!
I needed to ask you more points regarding the API design that you followed.
Can you share some ideas as to how did you go about designing your API?
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