I've sent it.

2015-03-09 1:39 GMT+01:00 Josh Warner <>:
We'd welcome this as a PR on GitHub. That would be the ideal place for code review, etc.

On Sunday, March 8, 2015 at 4:01:12 PM UTC-5, Daniil Pakhomov wrote:
Really sorry for spamming you with questions.
No more need to answer.
I implemented this detector and it works as fast as your determinant of Hessian approach implementation.
It passes all you tests and works better with coin() images (it doesn't detect a false coin as determinant of Hessian does in the example).

May I ask you to do a review of my code later?

Thank you.

понедельник, 2 марта 2015 г., 18:05:09 UTC+1 пользователь Daniil Pakhomov написал:

I want to try to implement Hessian-Laplace blob detector (as mentioned in requested features on github page).

Can someone give me the list of corresponding papers, using which I can implement it.

Thank you. 

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