
For style-changes (such as pep8/flake8) elements, I find that very often new contributors don't know they can configure their text editors to display the pep8/pyflakes violations. Very often, it is a question of mentoring them through the process of configuring their text editors.
Recently, I've been either creating pull requests on people's branch or pushing to the contributor's branch just before merging.


On 13 April 2017 at 00:41, Sourav Singh <ssouravsingh12@gmail.com> wrote:

I agree with most of the points put by Juan. Here are some points that I would like to put forward-

1) If there is a PR which has a merge conflict in a single file, we can tell the contributor to fix it through Github PR through the merge conflict button.

2) If the problem of merge is severe, core devs can come forward to fix the problem if the contributor is not a git expert.

3) For long standing PRs, first-time contributors could come forward and handle the problem if they know what needs to be done.

Comments are very welcome!



Sent from my Phone.Excuse any mistakes and brevity.

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