Hi St�fan!
I'll definitely be there. I think one of the main aims of the sprint for me will be to
Great news! When do you arrive in Paris?
- Merge and test Pieter Holtzhausen's GSoC changes - Add tools for easy writing of tutorials (we'll borrow from nipy, perhaps) - Fill out the MATLAB compatibility chart that Kyle Mandli implemented at SciPy2011 - Prepare for the release of 0.3
OK, I'll try to give you a hand for this. As for me, I'm particularly interested in writing documentation (examples) and merging code from CellProfiler.
Let's start: I'm free on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th; I'll have much less time during the conference itself, being one of the organizers.
I'll definitely be there those days as well. I'm teaching during the conference, but apart from that I'll work on this and IPython.
Great; in fact I'll have to be at work either on Tuesday morning or Wednesday morning, but I'll be at the Ecole Normale Sup�rieure (Physics Department) for the rest of the time. Anybody else? (Ma�l?)