Hi Stefan.
I see that you've worked on vlfeat wrappers. I've been thinking of the best way to provide a scikits.image.feature module, with things like star features, FAST corner detection (wrappers already written), etc. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them. I'm only roughly familiar with keypoint detection. But I thought about integrating SIFT code from vlfeat. I love vlfeat but it's to much matlab... And I'm pretty sure it's hard to beat the vlfeat SSE2 code.
I guess similar things apply to corner detection. vlfeat is gpl. Is it possible to include gpl code int scikits.image and still release it under BSD license (which is the current scikits.image license, right?) ? I saw there was also a discussion about making opencv an dependency. Wouldn't it be possible to just include some of the optimized code without actually using the whole library? Or is there to much infrastructure in opencv that gets used? I'm not a big fan of opencv but I guess there is some fairly optimized code there that scikits.images might want to use. Cheers, Andy