3 Apr
3 Apr
1:56 p.m.
Dear skimage developers: I would really appreciate to hear the answer on my question if it does worth. Thanks On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 4:04 PM, Yuta Sato <yutaxsato@gmail.com> wrote:
In the following skimage.segmentation.random_walker algorithm: What is the range of 'beta' values that can be supplied? I am working with a single band 8bit unsigned image.
Is it 0 to 255?
skimage.segmentation.random_walker(data, labels, beta=130, mode='bf', tol=0.001, copy=True,multichannel=False, return_full_prob=False, spacing=None)
beta : float [Penalization coefficient for the random walker motion (the greater beta, the more difficult the diffusion)]
Thanks for your support.