Hey Stéfan,

would you care to share what you disliked with gitter.im? I'm asking b/c I'm also looking for a less posty, more chatty exchange forum for my projects, and since github is providing free private repos for scientists, I'm doing more and more (and more) on github, so I thought a chat client that links github projects to chat rooms is a fantastic idea. So what's wrong with it? ;)

On Sunday, May 25, 2014 3:59:33 AM UTC-7, Stefan van der Walt wrote:
After (too much) experimentation, I've come to the conclusion that
Gitter may, after all, not be ready for prime time yet.

I suggest that we use #scikit-image on Freenode for now.  I'll deploy
a Hubot for us there, and add logging ASAP. If that doesn't work, I'm
going to have to ask Stuart to help us out some more.
