Hi Stefan, I'm seeing this message rather late. If I'm in still in time, I would be interested to co-mentor a student ... Let me know. You may also contact me directly on email: geazzo<at>gmail<dot>com George On Friday, 19 December 2014 01:10:00 UTC+1, Stefan van der Walt wrote:
Hi George
On 2014-12-17 12:48:26, George Azzopardi <gea...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
I would be very happy and available to work with an undergraduate or a postgraduate student (or any other person) to have this parallel implementation in Python. I see that you already added it to the Requested-features page. You can also add my contact details (geazzo@gmail) there for the interested readers.
Thank you for getting in touch! If you are interested in co-mentoring a student, we can consider applying for a Google Summer of Code sponsorship to develop the color version of COSFIRE.
All my papers can be freely downloaded from my website: http://www.cs.rug.nl/~george/research-activities/
Thank you for this--I've updated the wiki page accordingly.