Hi Stefan,

Sure, I attached a small fraction of original image, because Remote Sensing images are very big.
The TIFF image has 4 bands.

Hope this helps, Jaime

On Monday, March 21, 2016 at 7:23:53 PM UTC-4, stefanv wrote:
Hi Jaime

On 21 March 2016 at 16:02, Jaime Lopez Carvajal <jalo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Of course, I would like to visualize the image like this (attached image),
> that was obtained using ArcMap software, with the usual band order for True
> Color (RGB) and Composite Infrared (CIR) in remote sensing applications.
> The tiff image that I loaded has 4 bands, so I would think that the order
> would be: band0(Red), band1(Green), band2(Blue), band3(Infrarred),
> so if I want to visualize the true color image, I would need to use this
> instruction:
> TrueColor_img = img11[:,:,(0,1,2)]

I'll take a look.  Can you please upload an example tiff?
