Am interested in pursuing a project with sci-kit with the Summer Of Code.
A brief bio about myself - I'm an undergraduate student @ IIIT, Hyderabad (that's in India). An ex-GSoC'er (GSoC '13 with MoinMoin wiki) pursuing a Bachelors in Technology, majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. I completed a course on Digital Image Processing (last semester). I believe at some point I used the library for assignment purposes :)In general i'm proficient in C/C++/Python and have a keen interest in systems. I have had experience developing a Linux based terminal in C with minimal support for standard IPC operations as part of the Operating Systems course.
I'm interested in pursuing the project on creating an Interactive Gallery, developing such a web-app running a sandboxed Python, returning images after processing in realtime, sounds pretty interesting.
One basic query I have is, is there a plan in mind for scaling? OR do we want to allow running this on a local instance rather than on some online server officially supported by scikit?
It would be great if we could discuss more about this and how should we proceed further.
Is email on the list the best way for communication? What is the timezone for most devs? Is there a preference order for selecting projects? Do we know how many slots would we get?
Rishabh Raj