Thanks a lot.
I have started out with DoG, I'll definitely use what I can from here.
On Thursday, February 27, 2014 5:55:55 PM UTC+5:30, Christoph Deil wrote:
On 27 Feb 2014, at 07:41, Vighnesh Birodkar <> wrote:
> Hello
> I am applying as a GSoC student for scikit-image this year. Last year I was a GSoC student for SimpleCV. To start contributing I wanted to implement Blob Detection ( DOG and LOG initially ).
> I wanted to have some guidelines as to where to put the code and how to structure it.Is there any piece of code lying around in scikit-image which I can use as a template for Blob Detection ?
> I would put the new code inside a new .py file inside features. I think it would be a good idea to keep the prototypes identical for all blob detection algorithms. My first intuition is to return a class ( or a dictionary ) with some attributes set. Some blob detection algorithms may compute the area of the blobs as well while some might not. Or I can just return the (x,y) coordinates.
> Please point out if I am mistaken somewhere.
> Thanks
> Vighnesh
Hi Vighnesh,
I think it would be great if blob detection became available in scikit-image!
There’s a Python blob detection implementation by Axel Donath here:
It needs tests / docstrings and probably the API can be improved, I just wanted to mention it in case it could be a useful starting point.
I’m not a scikit-image dev, so I can’t comment on what the appropriate location and API would be, but please CC us (@cdeil, @adonath) when you create a github issue or pull request for this.