2009/10/11 Chris Colbert <sccolbert@gmail.com>:
- Instead of trying to load a .dll or .so yourself, make use of numpy's np.ctypeslib.load_library. If might also be a good time to document that function (please!). For example, see line 16 of
I see that function is completely undocumented, is it safe to assume it handles the loading of the library regardless of the platform, making my checks for windows and linux unecessary?
Yes, that's correct.. If you don't mind, it would be great if you could sign on to http://docs.scipy.org and fix the lack of docs!
- I saw the comment that you'd like to find a better way to match types in numpy and openCV, but really I think your dictionary is just fine.
I wasn't quite sure if the performance of a dictionary lookup would be good enough for our case. And I thought that may there was some basic computer science concept that I was missing that would be implemented there (I'm a mechanical engineer and self taught programmer). But if you say the dictionary is fine for that purpose, that suits me just as well.
First, you did a good job and, second, the algorithms typically run much longer than the time required to call them. We'll optimise if the need arises!
Tests, I was a little unsure of how you want to make the tests. Do you want to test everypossible combination of every function? or just one test case on a small array, and verify the output is correct?
Yes, I don't think we need to rewrite OpenCV's test suite. Just a simple test for each function to make sure parameters are passed correctly with the right types and that the output is sane. You can use the test decorators (have a look in the scipy source) to skip tests when OpenCV is not available. Cheers Stéfan