2009/10/4 Chris Colbert <sccolbert@gmail.com>:
Personally, I do most performance related stuff with Cython, so are we ok to require Cython as a build dependency? Or would we rather limit things to python and the C api only?
Like Damian mentioned, we had a discussion on this at the sprint and decided that Cython is a good way to go for optimising extensions. I am a bit allergic to C++ (especially given the compiler mess it has caused in SciPy), so unless we have a very good reason I'd prefer to stick to C. I'd be very glad if someone could provide a robust setup.py file to automatically build Cython extensions! Setuptools and Cython don't play all that nicely together, and setuptools changed its output directories for .so files during in-place builds when using Python 2.6. Since I'm on the topic of build systems: we may just as well put the infrastructure in place now to build with scons + numscons, David Cournapeau's new build system for NumPy and SciPy. Cheers Stéfan