I wonder if we shouldn't take the plunge and add OpenImageIO as a dependency?
- Supported on Linux, OS X, and Windows. All available under the BSD license, so you may modify it and use it in both open source or proprietary apps.
I really don't have much hope for PIL. The development process is closed and slow. Once you ignore your community, you are pretty much done for. The only reason PIL still exists is because it is useful, but let's face it: we can easily rewrite 80% of its capabilities at a multi-day sprint. Perhaps we should.
The only downside to OpenImageIO is that it has some not-always- standard dependencies, such as boost and cmake (neither of which mentioned in the build instructions), which make it a bit tricky to install, at least from an end-user perspective (especially as a replacement for PIL, which is just a "python setup.py install" away). The situation on Windows is also not super-simple. Perhaps a streamlined build could be shoehorned into distutils (but the boost thing is still a bit of a pain)... Any thoughts on this matter? I think it looks like a great library, and it would be great to have some ctypes wrappers for it, but I'm not sure how simple a dependency it will wind up being, especially given that they don't have platform binaries available yet for OpenImageIO... Zach