On Fri, 14 Jun 2013 02:36:39 -0700 (PDT) Marc de Klerk <deklerkmc@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Jérôme,
I cloned the repo and tried running test_all.py, Seems there are a couple bugs in test_image_functions.py that prevent it from executing properly.
Is there an example somewhere that I can play with/
Hi Marc, We have fixed most tests ... under linux+pyopencl+GPU nvidia (fermi+kepler) * With AMD/intel on CPU driver some tests don't pass (but the library is functional and working) * With NVidia GT200 few kernel crashes (but the library is functional and working) * With Nvidia 9600 many kernel are crashing but the library is able to use CPU kernels * With elder nvidia cards where atomic operation do not exist at all, no way to get it working. The problem we encounter is that kernel designed for GPU do not behave properly under CPU and vice-versa. This is fully untested with other platforms like windows or macosX and with ATI graphic cards but feed-back would be welcome. To run the tests: run test/test_all.py to have a small demo: run test/demo_match.py There is comprehensive sphinx doc. The repository should now be: https://github.com/kif/sift_pyocl Cheers, -- Jerome Kieffer <google@terre-adelie.org>