Hi Adam On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 7:02 PM, Adam Hughes <hughesadam87@gmail.com> wrote:
The images are in a .pdf can be downloaded directly here. (Just a hair too big to attach)
This download requires a login--could you please provide us with a direct link / HTML page showing the images?
LOWCONTRAST - Can the contrast in these images be enhanced automatically in SKI?
We have several histogram equalization algorithms, including Contrast Limited Histogram Equalization, which should do the trick.
NONCIRC - Particles appear non-circular due to stigmation offset in microscope. Is it possible to reshape them/make them more circular?
It depends on what you mean by "make them more circular". We have geometric transformation utilities in `skimage.transform`.
WARPED - Images that have artifacts, or uneven contrast, due to aberrations in SEM beam during imaging. I'm especially interested in removing uneven contrast.
Localized contrast equalization in the `skimage.filter.rank` module might help.
WATERSHED - These images have overlapping AuNPs, and I had hoped that SKI's watershedding routines might help disentangle them. The watershed segmentation guide indicates that there are several ways to approach this problem.
See Juan's post here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/scikit-image/4z-hPiFFDj8/2gIDMxfGrU4J Regards Stéfan