Well as was planning on writing a blog post about that, but if you ask. I've been playing with converting images from Jet to Viridis, as you can see here: https://gist.github.com/Carreau/7218a6b97fe71f698b0b It's crude, but the basic idea is to use SciPy find the closest point of a colormap from a given pixel. This can be done efficiently using KDTree of scipy (thanks Nathaniel Smith for hint), which give you a 1-255 value, that you can display again using your desired colormap. it of course sample the original colormap,so for a more precise result you might want to interpolate the value using the 2/3 closes points of the cmap, and to avoid extra pixel from the main area to be modified, you might want to use skimage connected component and pick the bigger blob. This woudl avoid artifact in the example I linked to, that you can see on the brush icon in the toolbar (the original brush color is red), and the close/minimize/maximise buttons that are also partially picked up. Is that what you like to do ? -- M Le jeudi 28 janvier 2016 08:39:28 UTC-8, Matteo a écrit :
I've added a quick example to show where I am at. I would like to display the second image with the colors of the first one. Matteo
On Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 9:14:32 AM UTC-7, Matteo wrote:
Can something like this (which by the way I can't get to work) be done using scikit-image?
I've done similar things in Matlab before:
https://mycarta.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/visualization-tips-for-geoscientist... but I'd really like to be able to do it in Python.
What I would like to do currently is: 1) Import an RGB image, which would have its own colormap - say this one for example:
2) convert it to intensity, say like this:
intnst = 0.2989 * rgb[:,0] + 0.5870 * rgb[:,1] + 0.1140 * rgb[:,2] # get the intensityintensity = np.rint(intnst) # rounds up to nearest integer
3) display the intensity color-mapped to the same colours the original RGB had.
Any tips, ideally withrcode or pseudocode would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Matteo